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Custom Harvesting Websites by Hale Multimedia LLC
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Employment  :

Harvest Jobs by Hale Multimedia

dedicated to helping the harvesters find help

Employees - Apply today!

Employers  - Contact us to get access

Managed and Owned by Hale Multimedia.

Harvest Jobs by Hale Multimedia

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Howard Hale's Daily Radio Report  :

Harvest USA Report

The Harvest USA Report began when a custom harvester presented the idea to Howard Hale. The report has been airing twice daily on more than 20 radio stations across 8 states every Monday through Friday. By our accounting, Howard Hale has produced well over 5,000 programs over the past 25 years.

Harvest USA Report

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Custom Harvester  :

Beckley Harvesting
Colby, Kansas

Originating from one International machine in 1955, Beckley Harvesting has grown to a six machine operation with thirteen trucks and five grain carts. Their commitment is to harvest crops in the highest quality and most efficient way possible.

Beckley Harvesting, Inc